Sunday, January 30, 2011

אני בדרך / I'm on the Way

A little update for everyone before I start my studying / working on Kibbutz Maagan Michael. I’m very excited for the upcoming 5 months, I know that I’ll have to use this time to seriously improve my Hebrew so I can avoid army Ulpan with all the crazy Russians later on. My Hebrew is still developing at a slow pace, but everyday it seems to improve. Being able to understand what a stranger asks you in the mall is a very rewarding experience, something so simple has taken years to finally accomplish. Anyways, cant wait to get to the kibbutz and hopefully work in the fish farms and train with the Israeli teenagers on the Kibbutz, it will probably help me lose the 10 lbs I gained being at my Aunt’s house for the weekend. One final point, Israel is running 24/7 news coverage of the riots in Egypt, I wonder if CNN and FOX can stop calling each other Nazis for 5 minutes and cover this in depth.

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