I once said that "starting is always the hardest part" but I guess i should really say that continuing and writing more than one post every 6 months is also hard...What can I say, my sister got the writing genes and I got the move halfway around the world and join the Israeli army genes. (Humor genes too) I have less than 14 hours until I am sitting on a plane with my 2 tons of luggage and flying to Israel. I am excited, a little nervous, and very eager to start this journey. I hope everyone who spends their time reading this site gets their money's worth and enjoys/is intrigued about what I write. Please feel free to comment or write to me, and yell at me when i dont write anything new. Thats all for now....שלום
PS: I must create a good title for the blog, so please send me suggestions as I'm not that creative, all i have right now is "Taking my Talents to the Mediterranean"...I know, its not that good.
Ari Solomon
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
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